Halfway there…

Yesterday was the end of the tenth week of the build; the midway point between work starting on 30th June and finishing on 17th November (assuming we keep to the plan which so far seems to be the case…).

The roof of the extension is taking shape, with the frame and the walls being complete so that the canopy over the front step is clearly visible.  That early project issue with the foundation depth means the canopy will be larger than originally designed.  Although we lose a cupboard in the hall, there are two upsides to this; we’ll have more protection from the elements before coming through the front door and there’ll be more light to the hall.

20140830 Extension Hall and Entrance

Another project issue has now been resolved, with the helifix solution having been applied to the lintels.  This means the walls are now in good shape to have the new windows fitted; right on time as these start arriving this week…20140830 Helifixed Lintels

The plasterers started last week too; this is the Utility, ready to have the new boiler and water tank installed.20140830 Plastered UtilityAnd we settled on a hole in the wall gas fire (http://www.cvofire.co.uk/fr920-high-efficiency-gas-fire.html).  This was one of those scope items that we thought we might leave till a later date.  But retrofitting these things is no mean feat; there’s a big part of the fire that will be hidden behind the wall, so doing this in a year or two would have been pretty disruptive and messy.  A spot of widening was in order…20140830 Hearth Expansion

These snaps were actually taken a week ago, and more are due to be taken tomorrow…

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